Primadonna x Kite (2)
Den bedste fødselsdags gave Primadonna kunne give mig! Hun fødte på den nemmeste vis lige efter bogen 6 smukke dejlige hvalpe, 4 tæver og 2 drenge!
Primadonna og Kite hvalpene fra det første kuld, er helt utroligt fantastiske! Så vi besluttede at det skulle bestemt gentages, og det blev utrolig mange mennesker meget glade for :D Og hvilke fantastiske hvalpe der endnu engang kom, om næsten vildere end de første ;)
Jeg ville hellere end gerne have beholdt en fra denne kombi igen selv, men jeg har stadig en masse at træne med Moviestar, men heldigvis spurgte Jette Hvid om vi skulle beholde en sammen, og sådan et tilbud kan man ikke sige nej til <3
Disse hvalpe har både i første kuld, og nu nummer 2 kuld vist sig at være helt fantastiske arbejdsmaskiner, derfor kølenavnet "workaholics"! Det var meningen at alle skulle have haft dette i deres stambogsnavn, men da en anden kennel hedder dette, måtte kun én hvalp have det, og resten fik en bøjning af ordet "work"...
Udover arbejdsmaskiner er de fantastisk sociale, livsglade, energiske, legesyge og helt fantastisk smukke fra inderst til yderst, og alle har deres mors sjæl gemt helt inde i hjertet!
Utrolig nok valgte Primadonna at slå meget igennem på dette kuld, og der kom ikke en eneste som lignede sin far, da alle var bi color. Det er sjovt som det kan være forskelligt, hvor første gang var 4 tric, og 1 x bi color, og i kuld 2 kom der 6 x bi color!
Primadonna og KIte fik denne gang 2 x sort hvide tæver, 2 x bi blue tæver, 1 x bi blue han, og 1 x sort hvid han.
På dag 1 var vi til dyrlæge, og den lille sorte dreng blev tjekket igennem, desværre var hans temperatur noget lavere end de andres, så hans manglende spiselyst var ikke uden grund, og vi sagde godnat til ham.. RIP smukke sorte fyr!
Prima er en fantastisk mor, og lige som med Split, så tager hun sig godt af dem som har brug for lidt mere hjælp, og igen fik den sort hvide fyr, meget opmærksomhed..... Og hun ledte desværre også efter ham da vi kom hjem fra dyrlægen., men jeg satte mig ned i kassen hos hende, og hun accepterede hurtigt situationen, og kunne nu koncentrere sig om de helt igennem fantastiske 5 hvalpe! Prima er en fantastisk mor, og hun er både blid, leger med dem, men fortæller dem også hvornår nok er nok, meeen det var dog lidt svært for hende med dette kuld ;) Hun prøvede ellers ihærdigt, men lignede næsten en som havde givet op til sidst :P
Beskrivelserne af hvalpene: spændende hvordan de er som voksne :)
Game (Puppy A): a wild one who loves to wrestle with the siblings,
and plays rough..
Not afraid to also fight the grown ups.. very happy to play,
with us, it self, with others, and especially the toy the others have :) it's always more fun what the others are
doing, so A wants to take over :);) If A is hungry everyone else will be
pushed away, not like food defense, but just very eager to get someting to eat :) Already like to discover how the body
moves and how to run fast - all walking is made in running :)
beside the crazy side, A is sooo loving, so calm and cuddly when coming to
people, sitting and looking at you "please take me up", loves
hugging, and is very sweet and gentle in kissing! The only thing you have to be
aware that it maybe seem more hard in temper that it's actually is, it's a
pleaser towards humans, so sure it will try it's best to solve the case you put
in front of it, don't need to be hard. Just the perfect combi with crazy
working, sweet and cuddly when hugging.
Gjerulff working Gameboy
Hedder nu Gamy, er bi blue han, vejede 220 gram ved fødslen, og 3.040 kg som 8 uger, og bor nu hos Katariina Sewon i Finland.
Vi ønsker jer alt held i fremtiden, og glæder os til at følge jer!
Magic (Puppy B): The sweetheart!
Most loving and cuddly
puppy I ever had! I'm sure B could live on your arms if it was allowed :) When you sit dow it's the first to sit
our your lap, and the last to go down! Bs maybe a bit more soft in temper
compared with the others, BUT not shy, not searching the fights, rather walks
away, but sometime B will get enough and then the others will get told to fu..
off, so they understand the meaning :) And then calm again. Like very much to
play with toy, and I expect a very cooperative dog, with huge will to please!
Can switch very easy from happy to "mad" to happy again, and rather
wants pease than a fight, but not afraid to take it if necessary!
Gjerulff Magical work
Hedder nu Saimi, er bi blue tæve, vejede 195 gram ved fødslen, og 2.460 kg som 8 uger, og bor nu hos Eve Blom i Damark!
Vi ønsker jer alt held i fremtiden, og glæder os til at følge jer!
Fun (Puppy C): the happy happy happy one :)
when you first look at the litter, you
fall immediately for that one! like to explore, likes to play, sweet in temper
but with a wild edge, it's just everywhere :) not afraid of anything and just excited
about small changes as new toy, new room, new people and so on. But I would
recommend to work a little focus on 1 thing at a time with this one :)everything is exiting, but also at the
same time, so C can quickly change interest for the thing it's already doing to
something else :)maybe need fight a little more on the
focus if many things are going on around it... it's very quick in movement
already, and very explosive for this little size.. C is for sure the kind of
puppy that will always put a smile on your face, also if you are not the most
interested thing at the moment, you can't nothing else to laugh of her happy
self :)
Gjerulff work is Fun
Hedder nu Tesla, er sort hvid tæve, vejede 230 gram ved fødslen, og 2.180 kg som 8 uger, og bor nu hos Tero Liljeblom I Finland, sammen med søster Mazy fra Prima x Kite (1)
Vi ønsker jer alt held i fremtiden, og glæder os til at følge jer!
Smarty (Puppy D): the
true workaholic in the litter!
Always in movement, and playing with something,
someone and if nobody wants to play, it's just take one and shake :) it's the though one in the litter for
sure, but as though it is, it's also has great dog language, because if one of
the other puppies say stop and get mad, D understand and go away! so I think
when growing up and be raised by other dogs who can tell how to act, it will
understand eventually :) sure it's happy and cuddle like the
others, but if it's occupied with something fun, like killing a teddy bear or a
blanket or running after a grown up dog, there needs a bit more convincing to
get it to come, at when it come, it's just as loving and caring as the others :) but D for sure has its own opinion of
things, and happily walks of alone to explore, it don't need back up from the
others. Actually one night it find its way out of the puppy pen, walked all the
way down to my parents bedroom, and my parents woke up by the other dogs
growling, and they turned on the light and saw a very happy puppy waving it's
tail on the floor :) it's very confident but also like to
follow you, especially if it's in speed, already very fascinated by running,
and a little to happy to bite your pants maybe, but that will be the new owners
problem :)
Gjerulff Smart workshop |