Selfie x Enzo

Enzo blev fløjet til Danmark, med hans ejere, for at lave denne parring, da han ikke laver naturlig parring, have jeg bestilt tid hos Canicold til inseminering. Enzo er utrolig smuk og godt vinklet hanhund, han har en super tænding, men samtidig meget blid og venlig, og social med andre mennesker.. Et rigtig godt match til Selfie!

Selfie fødte den 16. februar 2017 5 smukke hvalpe! Der var lige lidt overvejelser om en køretur, da der var gået over 2 timer mellem nummer 2 og 3, men den kom lige inden vi tog ud af døren :) Og den næste hvalp blev født i haven under en tisse tur, så bestemt ikke en kedelig fødsel :) Selfie var dejlig nem at have boende, hun var super glad og imødekommende overfor alle besøgende! Super dejligt at se, og super adfærd der smittede af på hendes hvalpe! Det er såå vigtigt at moderhunden har en adfærd som hvalpene kan kopiere, og dejligt at Selfie følte sig tryg og hjemme, måske lidt for meget til tider ;) Da hun hellere ville ligge i sofa med os, end at opdrage på de små vildbasser....  Så hvalpene var meget hurtigt vant til at være på egen hånd, og undersøge ting!

Kl 17.15 kom nummer 1: En utrolig smuk blue merle tæve, med flot hvid krave, på 220 gram!
                                    Gjerulff Sprightly & Beautiful     aka Insta
                                   Insta bor hos Eli Beate Sæther i Norge!
                                  Vi ønsker jer alt held i fremtiden, og glæder os til at følge jer!
                                   RIP Insta, desværre kørt ned af en bil inden 1år og overlevede ikke.

Kl. 17.35 kom nummer 2: Endnu en utrolig smuk hvalp, tricolor han på 220 gram!
                                     Gjerulff Sprightly & Powerful    aka Floyd
                                    Floyd bor hos Suzan van Schaik i Holland!
                                  Vi ønsker jer alt held i fremtiden, og glæder os til at følge jer!

Så var der en længere pause, og selvom hun blev motioneret en del, så skete der ikke så meget. Der blev ringet til dyrlægen, og pakket sammen, og i alt stressen skete det som tid sker, nemlig at hvalpen kommer :)

Kl. 19.20 kom nummer 3: Endnu en smuk pige, sort hvid, og ligner Selfie, på 185 gram!
                                     Gjerulff Sprightly & Nice    aka Nice
                                     Nice bor hos Malene Saxberg i Danmark!
                                  Vi ønsker jer alt held i fremtiden, og glæder os til at følge jer!

Kl 20.00 kom nummer 4: Endnu en smuk smuk hvalp, man skulle tro vi havde bestilt udstillings hunde! En lille sort hvid han, på 130 gram, som i starten skulle have lidt hjælp til at spise, da han blev skubbet væk at sine tungere søskende....
                                     Gjerulff Unite Sprightliness     aka Unit
                                    Unit bor hos Mirjam Ehrat i Schweitz!
                                  Vi ønsker jer alt held i fremtiden, og glæder os til at følge jer!

Kl. 20.20 kom nummer 5: En smuk blue merle han, men overvejende blåt, og ikke meget hvidt, sååå smuk, på 190 gram!
                                     Gjerulff Sprightly Fashion    aka Snap
                                    Snap bor hos Anna Heinonen i Finland! 
                                  Vi ønsker jer alt held i fremtiden, og glæder os til at følge jer!

Individuelle beskrivelser af hvalpene :)

Puppy A (Snap)
is very much "his own", very proud and curious, and don't need the others back up to go and explore! He's also the wrestling type, he plays rough, and is probably the " toughest " in the temper, very mentally strong. He looves toys!! And every toy or thing can be used, can shake it and run around with it himself, and actually here he accept and wants to play with it with his siblings! He don't seek human contact that much, he's truly very exploring, and in balance with him self, but when we were outside yesterday and he got tired, he actually came to me and put his head in my hand and wanted to cuddle, I was a little surprised actually, but he was so sweet and gentle! So he can be more cuddely for sure, maybe he just have to find out that pretty nice to He is very confident puppy, also towards the grown ups, and really wants their contact, but maybe could be a little bit more “humble” ;)

Puppy B (Floyd)
is really the runner, he loves to run around and fast! He only has one pace when he is in known enviroments :) and is a good mix, both on humans and on toys and exploring. He has to look around before running in new surroundings though, that tells me that even though he seems like a crazy runner, he still has his head with him. When he has had time to explore new things in his own pace, he's crazy again. It has actually been very typical with my wildest boys, has always been the once who has "reacted" most on new environments, understand me right, he's NOT afraid AT ALL! But he just shows the most change from "known environments, to new ones, (where the others is just a little more wild I normal, and then not that much change to new places.) We are talking about maybe 2 minutes then he is his normal confident self again.. he is very happy to play with toys with me, and actually if you throw it and it in "dead" then he still find it interesting! That's pretty amazing for such a young puppy!

Puppy C (Unit)
is the funny joker He has developed and changed a lot from just 1 weeks ago! Really wants to tuck, and play! Really wants to play with the siblings, and really wants to cuddle with me! He is a good mix! And very confident in new enviroments to, and explore a lot, find everything interesting! And really seems like a puppy who sees the good in everything  He is maybe a little like Fun from my last litter, he is interesting in all at the same time so maybe in the end the new owner has to work a little on the constant focus, if anything other fun is acting around him, because he wants to be a part of all fun, and forget a little want he already was doing

The females is a little more alike?
Both very confident, and very happy girls.! They really like both human contact and the playing. They both really love Morgan, and is often playing around him when they are out together!

Puppy D (Insta)
is maybe a little bit more on the puppies playing and running, and is more exploring on her own.. She seems a little more "peace maker" towards the grown ups and the other puppies, if the grown ups say "go away" she goes right away, and she can wrestle a lot and very wild with the other puppies, but when they are to much, and seems like something hurts, she stops and like she say "sorry" and go away and find something else to do, rather find something else fun, than take the fight she has a very good balance, and is very good to both be wild, and then “peaceful”.. Can play very wild with you, and then we stop, and then she plays nice with another puppy, she don’t “remember” the stress?

Puppy E (Nice)
is maybe a little more cuddly.. Very much on the person, so maybe in agility there has to be more focuse of her getting to commit on obstacles ahead away from the person, she seems like a please, and then again very high drive? When she gets wild, maybe she gets a little to much over the top? She seems to be either high driven, or sweet and cuddly, she maybe has to train a little on getting from high driven to calm, to wild, to calm again.. Because when she play and is wild, she has difficulties when you say stop, she keeps attacking.. but in normal she is maybe the most sweet and cuddly one, and like to be on the lap, but when she gets wild, she maybe gets a little to much, and maybe a little over the “learning” stage But in generel she is more sweet and “people-loving” puppy…

Det er altid en speciel ting at sende hvalpe ud i nye familier, og endnu mere fantastisk når de nye ejere lader en være en del af deres fremtid, og følge dem tæt!
Dette bliver Selfies eneste kuld, og hvilket en fantastisk et af slagsen, jeg er meget stolt af dem alle!

Selfie vil nu blive neutraliseret hurtigst mulig efter dette kuld, efter aftale med Simone.