Devons Dark Kvickly Quick   aka.  Quickly


Nice Of You To Come Bye Double Dice   aka.  Dice

Debby og Walter skriver om Dice:

Dice is a very loving and sweet dog. He is an amazing dog to work and play with, he is very focused, driven and super powerful. So powerful that you almost wouldn’t believe that at home, he likes to be very lazy and loves to cuddle, his favourite activity in house is laying comfortably on the sofa with his head on a fluffy pillow. He is just the sweetest dog and needs a lot of love, and has a lot of love to give.

He has no fears, is a very friendly and sociable dog to people and other dogs, always likes to say hello.
As a puppy he was a very happy, playful and funny puppy (he still is :D). He was very very focused on food and treats but loved to play with toys (and with us) as well. Still in the beginning of our puppy training, he preferred food quite strongly. We worked on making him crazy about a toy as a reward (he loved toys, just as a reward he thought food was more fun) and after a while he was crazy for both rewards, so we could choose and switch. He loved doing puppy training and little tricks and had a lot of energy. We often had to make the decision for him, to put him to his bed to let him sleep for a bit, because he didn’t seem to think he needed naps during the day. Luckily when he got older he became more calm in the house, and now he can just enjoy being lazy too.

He is very well behaved in the house, he doesn’t whine or bark a lot, we can leave our plates of food on the sofa or table to take something out of the kitchen and he doesn’t touch it, which is pretty smart for a dog who loves food and goes crazy for treats. He is also a very fast eater, it looks like he inhales his food :D, and his bowl is pretty much all cleaned up when he is finished, but still he waits to start eating until we say so, clever boy <3.

Dice is very talented for agility and is crazy about running. The fact that he is talented doesn’t mean that is was always easy :D, he could be very stubborn, so sometimes it was a challenge, and consistency was (is) important. But it is such a joy to see him train and improve. We really love training and running with him.

He also has an aptitude for herding, we did a herding aptitude test with him beginning of the year and it was beautiful to watch. We will stick to agility, but it is nice to know he would also be great at herding. Because of his herding instinct and his love for speed (combined with an inexperienced handler), it was not always easy at first, when courses got more technical and fast, to get him through the technical parts of those courses. But now those courses turn out to be the most fun ones to run with him! It is so beautiful to watch him run those technical parts at full speed, and doing them amazingly. Team Dice came a long way and they are doing so great now, and as a special reward they even earned a jumping certificate in Denmark, after winning a grade 3 course from a World Championship judge! So cool to watch Dice’s potential rise <3. 

Lidt om den skønne mor:
Quickly er en tæve der er i stor kontakt med sine hyrde gener, hun hyrder gerne på resten af flokken når de løber og leger. Hun elsker at arbejde, og vil arbejde med alle som har legetøjet, og i sær hvis der er en agilitybane ;) 
Hun lærer så utrolig hurtigt, og har givet dette videre til sine tidligere 3 kuld! Hun har stort set altid haft kontrol over sin krop og motorik, og har aldrig været hvalpe blød i kroppen som ellers normalt ses ved de større racer. Quickly har ikke været i den samme "umortoriske alder" som vores andre border collier, hun har fra start været bygget til fart. Hun ser lille ud, men er den største af vores tæver, og måler 48 cm på højeste punkt på skuldrene.

Quickly arbejder både med mig (Natasha) og Helle, og hun er lige opmærksomme på os begge, og selvom vi skifter i samme trænings sektion, er hun på den som har legetøjet og står på banen, og utrolig fokuseret på at please! Hun kan stoppe hurtigt op og accelerere hurtigt igen, lige som sin far Zac. Se flere billeder og videoer af ham her.

En af Quicklys store egenskaber er, at hun kan slappe af når hun ikke selv er på! Hun har en fantastisk "tænd-sluk" evne, hun er på - når hun er på, og ellers kan hun godt forholde sig roligt. Og tænder ikke op på at folk arbejder tæt omkring hende, men har kun øje på sin føre!

Hun er en drømme hund at arbejde med, og vil bare blive ved og ved og ved og........! Det skal man dog huske når man træner, og at man selv er nødt til at sætte begrænsningen. Quickly arbejder gerne meget tæt på føre, og "klistre" let, som vi kalder det i agility. Hun er meget obs på føren, og vil gerne kunne have øjenkontakt hele tiden, derfor er det vigtigt med et match til hende, hvor hanhunden gerne søger fra føren, og har en lidt større "normal" radius til føren. Dette er selvfølgelig et trænings spørgsmål, som vi i starten bare ikke har været gode nok til at spotte i starten, da hendes hvalpe er blevet trænet med en anden tvist af fremadsendelser, da man har den gratis "tætte" handling og opmærksomhed lidt mere foræret i Quicklys linje.
Se videoer af hende her

I kan læse mere om skønne Q her på hendes side :) 

At de beskriver Dice som stædig, og en der har brug konsekvens i træningen, da poweren kan tage over, skræmmer os ikke. Quickly er en meget sød og artig hund at arbejde med, og arbejder meget gerne meget tæt på føren! Hun er en pleaser, og det er slået meget igennem på alle hendes hvalpe, derfor ser vi det blot positivt at Dice vil give lidt mere rå vildskab til kuldet...

Hvad vi forventer at få fra dette kuld; er en masse power, en hund som arbejder for føren, en hund som arbejder i højt tempo med hovedet skruet rigtigt på, en hund som forhåbentlig vil have let ved både at arbejde tæt på føren og langt fra, en hund som vil få nemt ved collection og ekstension, en hund man ikke behøver at sidde hårdt på for at få den til at følge, men samarbejde er en del af dens natur, en hund som vil have en naturlig og let spring teknik, en hund som kan fungere både som arbejds hund og familie hund, og hund som hviler i sig selv.


                    Quickly:                                        Dice:
                         . Højde : 48 cm                               . Højde : 52 cm
                         . 17 kg                                             . 17 kg
                         . Fuldt tandsæt                              . Fuldt tandsæt
                         . HD: A/A                                         . HD: A/A
                         . AD: 0/0                                          . AD: 0/0  
                         . OCD: intet påvist (fri)                  . OCD: intet påvist (fri) 

                         . Genetisk fri for CEA                    . Genetisk fri for CEA
                         . Genetisk fri for TNS                    . Genetisk fri for TNS
                         . øjenlyst fri for PRA, CEA            . Genetisk fri for CL
                                                                                 . Genetisk fri for MDR1
                                                                                 . Genetisk fri for IGS
                                                                                 . Gonioscopy, CEA, PRA, fri,

----------------------------- ENGLISH -----------------------------

Debby and Walter decription of Dice:

Dice is a very loving and sweet dog. He is an amazing dog to work and play with, he is very focused, driven and super powerful. So powerful that you almost wouldn’t believe that at home, he likes to be very lazy and loves to cuddle, his favourite activity in house is laying comfortably on the sofa with his head on a fluffy pillow. He is just the sweetest dog and needs a lot of love, and has a lot of love to give.

He has no fears, is a very friendly and sociable dog to people and other dogs, always likes to say hello.
As a puppy he was a very happy, playful and funny puppy (he still is :D). He was very very focused on food and treats but loved to play with toys (and with us) as well. Still in the beginning of our puppy training, he preferred food quite strongly. We worked on making him crazy about a toy as a reward (he loved toys, just as a reward he thought food was more fun) and after a while he was crazy for both rewards, so we could choose and switch. He loved doing puppy training and little tricks and had a lot of energy. We often had to make the decision for him, to put him to his bed to let him sleep for a bit, because he didn’t seem to think he needed naps during the day. Luckily when he got older he became more calm in the house, and now he can just enjoy being lazy too.

He is very well behaved in the house, he doesn’t whine or bark a lot, we can leave our plates of food on the sofa or table to take something out of the kitchen and he doesn’t touch it, which is pretty smart for a dog who loves food and goes crazy for treats. He is also a very fast eater, it looks like he inhales his food :D, and his bowl is pretty much all cleaned up when he is finished, but still he waits to start eating until we say so, clever boy <3.

Dice is very talented for agility and is crazy about running. The fact that he is talented doesn’t mean that is was always easy :D, he could be very stubborn, so sometimes it was a challenge, and consistency was (is) important. But it is such a joy to see him train and improve. We really love training and running with him.

He also has an aptitude for herding, we did a herding aptitude test with him beginning of the year and it was beautiful to watch. We will stick to agility, but it is nice to know he would also be great at herding. Because of his herding instinct and his love for speed (combined with an inexperienced handler), it was not always easy at first, when courses got more technical and fast, to get him through the technical parts of those courses. But now those courses turn out to be the most fun ones to run with him! It is so beautiful to watch him run those technical parts at full speed, and doing them amazingly. Team Dice came a long way and they are doing so great now, and as a special reward they even earned a jumping certificate in Denmark, after winning a grade 3 course from a World Championship judge! So cool to watch Dice’s potential rise <3. 

A little about the wonderful mother:

Quickly is a female who is in big contact with her herding instinct, she likes to herd the rest of the flock when they run and play. She loves to work and wants to work with anyone who has the toy, and especially if there is an agility course;)
She learns so incredibly quickly and has passed this on to her previous 3 litters! She has almost always been in control of her body and motility, and has never been puppies soft in the body, as is usually seen by the larger breeds. Quickly has not been in the same "puppy movement age" as our other border collier, she has been built to speed from the start. She looks small, but is the largest of our bitches and measures 48 cm at the highest point on her shoulders.

Quickly works with me (Natasha) and Helle, and she is equally aware of both of us, and while we are in the same training section, she is on the one who has the toy and is on the course and incredibly focused to please! She can stop fast and accelerate quickly, and has normal tight turns.
One of Quickly's great features is that she can relax when she's off course! She has an amazing "turn-on" ability when she is on - otherwise she may be well-behaved. And do not stress on people or dogs working closely around her, but just watch their handler!

She is a dream dog to work with and just want to keep on going and ........! However, one must remember when training and has set up limits. Quickly works very close to her handler and "stick" easily, as we call it in agility. She is very aware of the handler, and would like to have eye contact all the time, so it is important to have a match for her where the male wants to go a little further on his own, by nature.

Watch videos of her here

You can read more about beautiful Q here on her side :)

That they describe Dice as stubborn, and one that needs consistency in the training, as power can take over, does not scare us. Quickly is a very cute and polite dog to work with and works very close to the handler! She's a pleaser and has been given this on to all her puppies, so we just look positive that Dice will give a little more raw wildness to the litter...

What we expect to get from this litter; Is a lot of power, a dog working for the handler, a dog working at high pace with the head screwed properly on, a dog who hopefully wants to easily work both close to the handler and with a distance, a dog that will easily do collection and extension, a dog you do not have to sit on hard to get it to follow, but cooperation is part of its nature, a dog that gets a natural and easy jump technique, a dog that works both as working dog and family dog, and a dog with inner peace....


                    Quickly:                                        Dice:
                         . Height : 48 cm                              . Height: 52 cm
                         . 17 kg                                             . 17 kg
                         . Full dental                                    . Full dental
                         . HD: A/A                                         . HD: A/A
                         . ED: 0/0                                          . ED: 0/0  
                         . OCD: free                                      . OCD: free 

                         . Genetic free for CEA                    . Genetic free for CEA 
                         . Genetic free for TNS                     . Genetic free for TNS
                         . Eye check; free for PRA, CEA     . Genetic free for CL
                                                                                  . Genetic free for MDR1
                                                                                  . Genetic free for IGS
                                                                                  . Gonioscopy, CEA, PRA, free