Her vil der løbende blive indsat updates fra Only i sit nye hjem, og vi glæder os til at følge Andy og Only! :)

15. marts 2016

A little update on Only

She is a little pistol, full of energy and loves to do everything fast, fast, fast but she still has a lot of self control and focus. She is very brave and outgoing, she is not afraid of anything or anybody. She loves all dogs and people; she loves to say hi to everybody.
We are doing basic obedience and agility foundation work and of course lots of tricks. We are working on a lot of body awareness exercises, so she can figure out how to use her body. She is very smart and learns really quick. Sometimes when she is really focused the tip of her tongue sticks out of her mouth like a little kid.
We love her and couldn't have asked for more. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.