Her vil i kunne følge når vi får nyt fra Kajsa og Mazy :)

18. marts
Don't had time to report... Sorry . On Saturday we had my friends visiting (4 girls) and they all loved Mazy, and Mazy loved them, of course . On Sunday Tiuku and Tuima had agility training and Mazy was also with us there. She slept 2 hours and after that met many new people.
Today we were in pet store and she earned a lot of attention. She really liked one small child, she was very good with her ! After that we drove to my mother. Mazy met 5 adult Icelandic sheepdogs and saw also five 3,5-weeks-old puppies. And a lot of cats (at least four ;)). She really liked to play with my mother's 10-month-old Icelandic sheepdog "Inga".
Oh, and here is winter again in Finland . Mazy loved the snow, it's nice to roll on it . Photos are coming tomorrow...
I have to say that I have never seen this open and brave sheltie baby . And this stubborn... 
Oh, and here is winter again in Finland . Mazy loved the snow, it's nice to roll on it . Photos are coming tomorrow...
I have to say that I have never seen this open and brave sheltie baby . And this stubborn... 

14. marts
Mazy had today the "Helsinki city tour" . We took a bus to Töölö, visited one small cafe, walked around, took a tram to the city center (central railway station), had a "picnic" there and took subway+bus back to home. She was super brave but didn't like the bus so much (she was feeling little sick). Two lovely Japanese tourists fell in love with her . We had a camera but no memory card, so these photos are not so great... Have a nice weekend everyone!!

9. marts
Mazy was today again with us in agility hall. We just played and had fun together! She was playing very well in new place ! She also met my mother and her 9-month-old Icelandic sheepdog. Yesterday my sister and her boyfriend were visiting, Mazy loved them all but was very tired after playdate. Tired puppy is a happy puppy ♡!

6. marts
Mazy was also today with us in our agility training. She loved to meet all the new people (and their treats) and played with her toys. She calmed down very well to his cage and slept even though there were noisy dog doing agility 
We have been practising walking in leash everyday and sometimes it goes quite good actually, in short moments . She doesn´t like that but I have given her many treats when she is doing well 
Today we also explored Finnish forest (without leash ;)). She was superbrave and loved to run there! Videos and photos coming tomorrow...
Today we also explored Finnish forest (without leash ;)). She was superbrave and loved to run there! Videos and photos coming tomorrow...