Gjerulff Awesome Butterfly
 Why not Hash my Queen

- For english, go to the bottom of the page

6 perfekte hvalpe kom til verden d. 15. december 2016
2 tæver og 4 hanner
(alle er reserveret)

Gjerulff Prince Chaming, aka Charming, brun hvid han, langhåret, bor nu hos Marianne Bruus i Danmark!
Vi glæder os til at følge jer i fremtiden!

Gjerulff Drama Queen, aka Drama, brun hvid tæve, korthåret, bor nu hos Susanne Knudsen i Danmark, Bornholm!
Vi glæder os til at følge jer i fremtiden!

Gjerulff King Lugar, aka Reign, sort hvid han, korthåret, bor nu hos Janet Terry i Texas!
Vi glæder os til at følge jer i fremtiden!

Gjerulff King To Be, aka To Be, sort hvid han, langhåret, bor nu hos Kari Mølmer og Rene Jeppesen i Danmark!
Vi glæder os til at følge jer i fremtiden!

Gjerulff Royal Princess, aka Cuba, brun hvid tæve, langhåret, bor nu hos Jonas Hansen i Danmark!
Vi glæder os til at følge jer i fremtiden!

Gjerulff King of Victory, aka Chusk, brun hvid han, korthåret, bor nu hos Robert Kowalski i Tyskland!
Vi glæder os meget til at følge jer i fremtiden!

Se stamtavler på kuldet her

Se videoer her

(Devons Dak Kvicvkly Quick x Beautiful Borders Energi Orson)


   . 48 cm
   . 16 kg
   . Fuldt tandsæt
   . HD: A
AD: 0
   . OCD: intet påvist (fri)
   . Genetisk fri for CEA
   . Genetisk fri for TNS
   . Genetisk fri for CL

Fly er fra et kuld på 6, og alle har:
   . HD A
   . AD 0
   . intet OCD
Fly har også halvsøskende med samme mor, et kuld på 5 med:
   . HD A
   . AD 0
   . intet OCD

Læs om Fly her

Billeder af Fly se her på facebook

Info om Flys 1. kuld, og hvalpene, se her

(Sienna Alchera x Eiri Greme Moss)

Ola skriver om Hash:

Hash is my perfect boy, never agressive Or afraid, dog people place or something. When he was young he was really normal, he never use his herding eye bur i dont know what he can do with sheep. He is normal in life, sleep all day never play with dogs he has his life and its agility and balls. He isn't afraid of any storm or bang. Hash is always really confident and never excited when other dogs or something is moving, and choose to walk away from fights, always confident in new place with new people with new dogs. He is little bit stubborn more like other border collies, but he has strong character and i think its good because a lot of bcs are too soft. He is a quit bc, both in home but also in training. Hash has a easy and light jumping technique, and natural good turner. He works to please, but has a normal.


   . 53 cm
   . 18 kg
   . Fuldt tandsæt
   . HD: A
AD: 0
   . OCD: intet påvist (fri)
   . Genetisk fri for CEA
   . Genetisk fri for TNS
   . Genetisk fri for CL

Se billeder og sundhed på Hash søskende her

Forventninger til hvalpene:
Det er altid svært at forestille sig hvordan hvalpene vil udvikle sig, største delen ligger jo selvfølgelig i opdragelse og træning, men der er trods alt et "rå materiale" som er med til at fuldende pakken. Der er selvfølgelig nogle tanker bag hvad vi ønsker at disse hvalpe skal udvikle sig til, der har resulteret i netop dette valg af hanhund. Der er ingen perfekte hunde, men vores filosofi omkring vores opdræt er, at gøre næste generation bedre, og matche forældrene så efterkommerne skulle komme endnu tættere på vores idé om den ideelle border collie.

Vi synes selvfølgelig at begge forældre dyr besidder fantastiske egenskaber, ellers havde vi ikke valgt at avle på dem ;) Men deres svagheder bliver matchet så det bliver hvalpenes styrker ;) Fly er en meget eksplosiv tæve, som kan gå fra 0-100 og fra 100-0 ekstremt hurtigt, hvilket til tider kan være svært at handle på banen, da hun gerne følger handling hele tiden, og hendes commitment point ikke er så stærkt, og hun skal derved følges lidt mere på nogle forhindriger. Dog er hun meget nem at styre, og "trække forbi fælder", da hun ikke kan finde på at snyde bag om ryggen og tage noget hun ikke skal have, hvis hun ikke tror hun skal. Derimod er Hash ekseptionel til at blive sendt på forhindringer, og har af natur et meget stærkt commitment point, som ses generelt i hans linje, og med korrekt træning har det resulteret i at Ola kan sende ham på lang afstand, og nå at stikke af og placere sig for at hjælpe nye steder på banen, en kæmpe fordel for at kunne hjælpe på de svære sektioner.

Hash hviler meget i sig selv af natur, og tager alt med ophøjet ro, også selv i trænings øjemed. Hvor Fly er ekstrem intens og meget på tæerne hele tiden når der arbejdes, dette er fantastisk for den rutinerede fører som kan handle intensiteten og vende det til det positive, men kan måske blive frustrerende for den mindre rutinerede, hvor Hash rolige sind kan være nemmere at styre, i sær da hans rolige sind ikke har en dårlig indvirkning på hans fart! Hash har en vild acceleration, og er en meget fleksibel hanhund, han har af natur en god kropsforståelse, og er meget økonomisk i sin måde at bruge sin krop på, på banen, > hvorfor springe langt, når at springe kort er hurtigere <

Fly og Hash er efter vores mening den perfekte kombination, udfra hvad vi ønsker i vores border collie. De er begge gode familie hunde, de rolige i hjemmet og meget kælen. På trænings banen vil nogle højst sandsynligt komme til at ligne deres mor, nogle deres far og nogle en kombination, så vi håber der vil være en hvalp med det rette sind til alle hvalpe købere, uanset ønske :) 

Hverken Fly eller Hash er bløde hunde, men Fly er en meget pleasende hund, og vil hellere spørge 2 gange end at gøre noget forkert, hvor Hash tager første "kommando" som reglen, og comitter på det. Ingen tvivl om at vi forventer nogle hvalpe som vil kunne fungere på et top niveau i alle stortsgrene, dette betyder også at disse hvalpe ikke vil blive solgt som rene familie hunde, men de skal ud og aktiveres og stimuleres i både hjerne og krop. Vi forventer eksplosive hunde, med let spring teknik, som vil arbejde for at please føren, og ikke kun løbe for dem selv. Vi har intet krav eller forventning om at vi har lavet den nye verdens mester, da dette selvfølgelig afhænger af træning, held og interesse ;) Vi ønsker blot at vores hvalpe vil få et godt og aktivt liv, i en kærlig familie. Det vil dog være en fordel hvis man har haft border collie eller lignende race før, da denne kombination vil være højaktive hunde. Vi håber at når begge forældre har en god tænd og sluk knap, at hvalpene også vil arve dette, så der ikke skal arbejdes alt for voldsomt med "afslapnings" delen. Med dette menes, at fordi forældrene har det, kan man ikke forvente at få det foræret uden lidt træning ;)

Da dette kuld er 1 år før planlagt, er reservationer nu åbne :)

------------------ ENGLISH ------------------

5 perfect puppies was born the 15. december 2016 !
2 females and 4 males
(all puppies are spoken for)

For puppies pedigrees click here

See video here

(Devons Dak Kvicvkly Quick x Beautiful Borders Energi Orson)

   . 48 cm
   . 16 kg
   . Full dentition
   . HD: A
   . ED: 0
   . OCD: not detected (free)
   . Genetically free of CEA
   . Genetically free of TNS

Fly is from a litter of 6, and all have:
   . HD A
   . ED 0
   .  nothing OCD

Fly also has half-siblings with the same mother, a litter of 5 with:
   . HD A
   . ED 0
   . nothing OCD

Read about Fly here
Pictures of Fly on facebook
Info about Fly's first litter and puppies, click here

(Sienna Alchera x Eiri Greme Moss)

Ola writes about Hash:

Hash is my perfect boy, never agressive Or afraid, dog people place or something. When he was young he was really normal, he never use his herding eye bur i dont know what he can do with sheep. He is normal in life, sleep all day never play with dogs he has his life and its agility and balls. He isn't afraid of any storm or bang. Hash is always really confident and never excited when other dogs or something is moving, and choose to walk away from fights, always confident in new place with new people with new dogs. He is little bit stubborn more like other border collies, but he has strong character and i think its good because a lot of bcs are too soft. He is a quit bc, both in home but also in training. Hash has a easy and light jumping technique, and natural good turner. He works to please, but has a normal.


   . 53 cm
   . 18 kg
   . Full dental
   . HD: A
   . E
D: 0
    . OCD: not detected (free)
    . Genetically free of CEA
    . Genetically free of TNS

Follow Hash on his homepage, eller Ola on facebook

Pictures of Hash, see here

Expectations for the puppies:
It is always difficult to imagine how the puppies will develop, the most part is of course the future training, but there is nevertheless a "raw material" which helps to complete the package. Of course there is some thought behind what we want in these puppies, that has resulted in this particular choice of sire. There is no perfect dog, but our philosophy around our breeding is to make the next generation better and match the parents so the descendants should get even closer to our idea of the ideal border collie.

We of course think both parents has amazing qualities to give, otherwise we would not have chosen to breed on them ;) But their weaknesses are matched so it will be the puppies forces ;) Fly is a very explosive bitch that can go from 0-100 and from 100-0 extremely fast, which sometimes can be difficult to act on the field as she would like to follow the action all the time, and her commitment point is not so strong, and she must be followed a little more on some obstacles. However, she is very easy to control, and "pull past the difficult sequences" when she would never cheat behind your back and take something she should not have, if she did not think she should. By contrast, Hash is exceptional to be sent to obstacles, and has by nature a very strong commitment points, which is generally seen in his line, and with proper training has resulted in Ola is able to send him from far ahead, and reach to the next position she needs to help some more, a huge advantage to be able to help in the difficult sections.

Hash has a lot of inner pease, and takes everything with serenity and calmness, even in training purposes. How Fly is extremely intense and on her toes all the time while training, this is great for the experienced handler who can act on it and turn it into the positive, but may be frustrating for the less experienced where Hash quiet mind may be easier to manage, specially when his quiet mind does not have a bad effect on his speed! Hash has a wild acceleration, and is a very flexible male, he has by nature a good understanding of the body and is very economical in his way of using his body, on the field, > why jump wide, when a tight turn is faster <

Fly and Hash is in our opinion the perfect combination, based on what we want in our border collie. Both are good family dogs, the calm at home and very cuddly. At a training course some will most likely be like their mother, some like their father and some a combination, so we hope there will be a pup with the right mind to all puppy buyers, regardless there wish :)

Neither Fly or Hash is soft dogs, but Fly is a very pleasende dog, and would rather ask 2 times than to do anything wrong, where Hash takes first "command" as the rule and comit on it. No doubt that we expect some puppies who can work at a high level in all sports, this also means that these puppies will not be sold as pure family dogs, but they go out and be activated and stimulated in both brain and body. We expect explosive dogs, with easy jumping technique that will work to please the handler, and not just running for themselves. We have no requirement or expectation that we have made the new world champion, as this of course depends on training, luck, and interest ;) We just want our puppies to have a good and active life in a loving family. However, it will be an advantage if you have had border collie or similar breed before, as this combination will be highly active dogs. We hope that when both parents have a good on-off switch, that the puppies will inherit this, so it will not be to hard too train the "relaxation" part. By this is meant that because the parents have it, you can not expect the puppies to have it without a little training ;)

Because this litter is one year ahead of planning, the reservations are now open :)