
Sunshine Forever von der Happy Horse Farm
Berger des pyrenees, (pyrenæisk hyrdehund, poil long, (langhåret))

born on 16.th September 2013 in Austria

Ever is our first "Py" and we have maybe not been quite prepared for what it meant to have a py in the house, but we learn every day ;) We was told that she shouldn't have any boundaries growing up, so she didn't ;) In some areas it may be a challenge, but she is a lovely, sweet , brash, and very charming little girl, and that makes up for it in full.! ;)

She is one of the funniest little thing that can go on four legs, she always has an expression in the head when you know she is considering the next mischief ;) She loves her toys, and there is nothing nearby a sweater sleeve is as good, however we try to retrain this, because when she in competition chooses to self-reward her, this happens by jumping up and bite the sleeve ;)

Approximately when she was one year there was a very positive development with her and her training! For training, she is finely focused on the handler and the activity, without being interested in the other dogs or people. Both at home with familiar dogs, or other places with strangers dogs at walks.
We were aware that we had to socialize her much since pyen may tend to see little ghosts (we heard), and as a puppy she was a little afraid of noises from traffic, tractors, vacuum cleaner, but this is now trained away and it is very little she responds. But we are very aware of this when/if she will be apart of our breeding program, and therefor the right male is very important to us!
Our plan with Ever is that she must be agility dog, and she has been Finn's dog, sometimes ONLY Finn's dog, but will also work with us. :)

Finn works agility with her and Helle train tricks, and a bit of obedience training Klicker / offer behavior.

She hasn't been mature enough in puppy stage to work id we had to many demands or expected to much of her, so she pretty much was allowed to be naughty puppy. :) At first she only train very simple and short sections, and preferably something with speed and reward with toys. She is very fond of toys and shaking, and this has made it a lot easier! Also works for treats, but lose some speed and concentration on the obstacles if it's used in agility. Where in training with tricks / foundation work well with treats, and she offers a lot! It was a long time before she was ready for a little longer training sessions, which you are used to with the border collie, but as a 14 month old she changed, she worked well and long, both agility and other training !!

We are very excited about how she develops agility, at the moment, she works so well for her age, lack a little security and stability (2 years old), but otherwise most basic things in a good speed. She has been a little addicted to accompany Finn, but has become a lot more confident and forward by focused training. We believe she has an exciting future in the medium class in agility. :) She has now started competition and there is a large increase in speed, concentration and independence from race to race! And she has won several runs already :)

She is 38 cm high, so a relatively small py. :)
Her coat is not very long, slightly short of a poil long, but not so short in the face as a face race. It is very easy to hold, and fortunately no tendency to cardinetter. Her mother has in previous litters made face race, so it's not inconceivable that Ever in breeding would also be able to provide this.

She is close to her instincts, and have a high ressuource defense.. So we are a bit aware when the stress goes high, so we are sure no "situation" happens. Ever is a tough female who test others boundaries, she wants to be the leader, but when she finds out that she isn't, and others over rang her (over both dogs or humans), she is extremely sweet and pleasende, and found her place! :) She is good at finding her place in the pack, both her own and Natasha and Dennis's, so for us this works fine! Because this temper also give that something extra in training...! With people and dogs she knows, she is extremely happy and almost too much, when she jumps and she greets you, and climbs like totally into the mouth of the dogs she knows, and jumps all up in your face ... :)

She is a very active dog, and like everywhere in the house, also on the back of the couch, although we do not have dogs on the sofa, then Ever charm her in and has now a blanket on the couch she can be on :) She really is a dog that can boost the house, and get a smile even on the rainiest days.

A little crazy but charming- so time will tell how she develops in temperament and character. We would not change her for anything and she makes your life more fun and never boring :)

Ever have proven to be absolutely fantastic with our puppies! Both the shelties and the border collies! Incredibly, she has understood here, that she should be careful when they are still in the box, she is very interested in them and could look at them for hours if she was allowed! When they get older she will like to play, and if the puppies here is up to play, it can be difficult to control her happiness in a small py body! ;) When the puppies are big enough she will be allowed to play with them, and she is the best play aunt we've ever had! There is no doubt that Ever will be a great mother, and will look forward to getting her own puppies! :)
Now she finally has her own puppies, and she is in heaven! We can't wait to follow her with her own puppies :)