Her vil der løbende blive indsat updates fra Sum i sit nye hjem, og vi glæder os til at følge Birthe og Sum! :)

30. juni

Sum er blevet opereret og nu erklæret rask! Jubiii!
Hun er stadig en lille pige på kun 32,5 cm 7 måneder gammel...

14. marts

Sum took her first steps to her new home together on the plane with sister New. She was very good girl on the airport and plane and stole everyone's heart. At home the other dogs are a little scared to hurt the little girl, and Sum feels sad no one wants to play with her like her mum and family. But after some time, Sai and Styx become her personal moving toys! She jumps on them, bites in the tale and long fur of Sai and tells them how she likes it to be done! She follows them everywhere, and wants to be boss by jumping on them and looking so she can steel toys or food! Clever girl! But she can also be very sweet to her brothers! With sister Isis, it was not a good start, so for now its just getting used to eachother!
Sum is the little worry child, but she is so strong in the mind! Even after some bad experiences she feels happy all the time! 
When she is outside, the name Sum doesn't ring any bells with her, she just acts like she didn't hear it! Only when crazy brothers run by, thats interesting enough to follow inside! And, also some cookies can win her over! She is a candy monster :D! Her food is a little more difficult, but with salmon oil or some meat it is better! 
When she wants a sleep, she jumps on to the sofa, so we have to pick her up and put her on her throne, the big pillow in the sofa! A real diva is made already! She makes her grandma proud I'm sure ;)!
On her first competition experience, she felt like that was heaven on earth, all these other dogs, big or small, all she wanted to say hi to! Not scared of all the people, all the barking, all the noises, nothing could bother her! Puppies and shelties to play on every side of the venue! So great! When she needs to sleep a little, she was not happy one of the brothers could go for a run! That could not happen without Sum supporting! Later she will be the star of the field for sure! She already was, just by being cute and strong!
Now, she needs to be even a little stronger soon! And then, normal puppy life can finally start! She can learn some real manners, as now she is allowed to do whatever she likes! We start again with learning some tricks, to finally play properly, and for owner a relaxed heart as well!
With her big heart, Sum has stolen ours from the first second!