Her vil der løbende blive indsat updates fra New i sit nye hjem, og vi glæder os til at følge Natascha og New! :)

d. 14. marts
New is with us for almost 8 weeks now already - how time flies! Even though it's only been 8 weeks I can't really remember how our life was without her. And it's not only me and my boyfriend (and everyone else who meets her...) who fell for her: Especially Sui, her big "sister", is totally in love with New! All my fears that Sui would hate me for getting another dog were totally in vain. Her life must have been so boring before our baby came! And little New definitely sees Sui as an example, it's just awesome how much she learns just from observing what her big "sister" does or how she reacts.
New just fits in here so perfectly! She's everything I dreamed of and more: She's very brave and bold, not afraid of anything, and already very focused on me. She's so friendly and loves everyone, in fact she would really like to say hi to every person she espies somewhere, especially children. Her favourite activity (next to playing with Sui, of course) is definitely clickering and she's doing so unbelievably great! You can really see how she thinks, but she's not the kind of dog who is afraid of doing something wrong, she just tries everything that comes into her mind - shaping is so much fun with her!!! So she already knows tons of tricks - some more useful, others less. In the beginning she was much more into toys then into food, in the meantime she adores both, but would still choose playing over cookies, which is totally fine though.
We also do daily trips, sometimes we "only" go for walks with dog-friends of all different kinds of breeds and sometimes we visit the city centre, a shopping mall, agility competitions, restaurants or watch trains and ride the metro. Furthermore New already had her "first day of school": We are visiting a puppy school once a week and she has lots of fun there playing with me and working on little exercises.
Whatever we do, she has so much fun and is always happy!
New has only been here for 52 days, but it feels like forever! She's such a perfect little sheltie girl, in every single way, and I still can't believe how lucky I am to be her owner! I just can't wait for everything our future will bring!