Our choice fell on Babou; Bombadil Babou you Mourioche
     - read under the picture why

No dog is perfect, but we know what we want in our family / agility dogs, such as; healthy dogs, which rests in itself/inner peace, with power, good temperament, good building and jumping technique, and willingness to cooperate! And now we had found a line that we felt met our requirements, then it was just to see if the last wishes of a male from this family also could be found, AND if they would approve Ever as a female!

We were recommended Babou, and was then incredibly happy to be able to follow two of his puppies in Denmark. Then we wrote together with Babous owners, and all they told us was what we desired! What was more amazing was that they offered to come to Denmark in the summer of 2015 when we were at Jutlandia competition cup so we could meet Babou! This was of great value to us, so we could determine definitively, before we went down for mating!

It was also interesting what they would say to Ever, and what Ever and Babou would say to each other :)

Babou is just as amazing as we were promised, and as desired! We met him on the sidelines of a huge agility competition, with dogs everywhere, dogs barking and speakers constantly blaring and he emerged with a distinctly calmness and no stress! He rests a lot in himself, and could walk among all other dogs, stressed dogs, different breeds, males and females, without stir or lift an eyebrow! We had already seen pictures and video of him so his building, jumping technique and a willingness to work were pre-approved, but it was nice to see his structure and motion in real life! He was certainly living up to the fullest, and just as great as his sister's reputation, and Babou smoke therefore directly into our "favorite list" of pyr-sheeps :)

Babou has an inner peace, yet he is not without the usual py-fuss emphasizes that one must experience in their daily lives to love them ;) This brees is something special in general, and is a type of dog that never gets old and boring, and there will always be something to work on;) But with that saying, Babous temperament is just extraordinary fantastic! Not only for a pyr-sheep, but for a male in general!

We were in no doubt that he was the perfect choice for Ever, and luckily they approved her as well!

Babous 2 Danish children, we luckily have had the opportunity to follow close: BB is owned by Lisbeth Jensen and Neo owned by Daniel Eichler (both live in Jutland), already shows as very young a great potential as agility dogs and family! They exhibit a great power, and cooperativeness which clearly shows that they could have done themselves great in all kind of dog sports! They work with a kind of ease and operate, which is only admirable! Babou certainly gives "that something extra" on to her puppies, who live deep in his line and family! Not only the work these 2 Babou puppies is amazing, but also their temper! Both with other dogs and people, such as children and puppies is so fantastic! Which is just as important for us as we not only want our puppies / dogs to do well in sports, but we want them to become a forever family member, who must be able to function in everyday life!

If you want a fun and lively dog ​​with a lot of potential in all sports, and a dog that never gets fully "grown up", but remains funny, energetic and with lots going on against then this litter is just for you !! : D

Babous family, and why our interest fell on this line in the first place!

We know Babous mother of "mention", "Bletta the Kliandie" for a great temperament, which she passes on to her puppies! This she has pass on to all her litters, which among is some awesome and well known agility dogs! The extra positive, if we think agility, is that she gives "small" puppies ("medium") further. We do not know Bletta personally, but checking with the people we trust, and among other things Blettas owner has partnered with Evers breeder, and she even spent Evers father on his own bitches.! Besides that, we read Blettas description on the owner's website, and it is spot on the type of dog we're looking for, and therefore it was worth looking for more in this line! We know, however, that Bletta is the mother of two of our (first) favorite pyr-sheeps, which is why we came up with Babou!

Babous 2 sisters; did that we were interested in this line, and luckily found the most beautiful and amazing male, Babou !

I think everyone knows one og Babous sister; Silvia Trkmans LE! Le and Babou share the same mother but different fathers.

Le is a dog full of power and personality, like rest of the family, and that she is a great agility dog ​​is no doubt, when she repeatedly beats the border collies on time for various championships, and seeing a training session with Silvia and Le can be breathtaking at most! BUT to be a good agility dog ​​is not only a matter of the right line, but requires a good handler and trainer to achieve results as Le. At the same time "a good coach" does not stand alone, and the dog must also have the right potential to accomplish this type of results; the building, power, jumping technique, will to please and not least a mind-set that can cope with various championships and its turbo sideways is extremely important! Le already has some of the biggest titles you can achieve as agility dog, such as world champion in 2015, European champion in 2014, and in addition to this, she has won several championship individual and team races, and domestic championships!!


Babous 2. amazing sister who also helped us determen our choice are; Claudia Zenners WII from Germany. Wii and Babou is litter mates, and therefore share both the same mother and father!

We have met Wii personally several times, both at week-competitions in Denmark, and several championships, and won us over not only by her amazing skills in agility, just as half sister Le, but won as much on her personality, her always happy mind and good temperament! We have studied Wii, and evaluated her in various settings and enviroments, and quickly found that this could be a super match for Ever, BUT Wii was unfortunately a female ... Wii has a great light build, and get agility to look like a breeze, she runs extremely fast, but does not look like someone who uses very many resources on it! Wii live in a family with a small child, and other kinds of breeds, and do not let small things complicate everyday life :) Wii is independent on the field, and in a pace that Claudia always must be 100% ready to follow ;) Wii and Claudia have shown some amazing Championship event, but the one who is most stuck in my memories are her jumping race at the world championships in 2015, where she won the individual races! Wow, that was amazing run!
