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Easys mor: Cyou From Doggone Borders (Cyou)
Registrerings nr: LOSH 0924382
Farve: Sort tricolour
Farve bærer: brun
Født: 7. marts 2003
   . Fuldt tandsæt!
   . Øjen test: CEA testet fri 6 uger gammel. CEA/PRA test 11/10-10 = FRI
   . Glaucoma: fri (09/07-09)
   . DNA testet for CEA/CH: bærer
   . Genetisk fri for TNS
   . Genetisk fri for CL
   . Genetisk fri for MDR1
   . HD: A/B = B
   . AD: 0/0
   . OCD: intet påvist
   . Højde: ca. 52 cm

Easys far:
Xantho van 't Hof ter beuken (Xantho)
Registrerings nr: LOSH 830821 (ISDS.181710 38)
Farve: Brun hvid
Farve bærer: tricolour, Saddle pattern
   . Fuldt tandsæt! 
   . Øjen test: CEA testet fri 6 uger gammel
   . DNA testet for CEA/CH: fri
   . Genetisk fri for TNS
   . Genetisk fri for CL
   . Genetisk fri for MDR1
   . HD: A/A
   . AD: 0/0
   . Højde: ca. 53 cm

Easy: Easy From Doggone Borders (Easy)
Registrerings nr: LOSH 0766938
Farve: Sort tricolour saddle pattern
Farve bærer: brun, hvid genbærer
Født: 23. marts 2005
Udstilling: Excelent 3. bedste han, 28/08-10

   . Fuldt tandsæt!
   . Genetisk fri for CEA
   . Genetisk fri for TNS
   . Genetisk fri for CL
   . Genetisk fri for MDR1
   . Glaucoma fri
   . HD: A/A
   . AD: 0/0
   . OCD: Intet påvist (fri)
   . 51,5 cm høj
   . Vejer 20,7 kg

Easy fik d. 26. juni 2013 som 8 år gammel, taget billeder af skulder og albuer, da han ikke havde AD eller OCD status, men gjorde dette for vores skyld! Vi er dybt taknemmelige, og der kom heldigvis det resultat vi ønskede!!!
I Belgien blev de vurderet til AD: 0 og OCD: intet påvist!
Vi har fået tilsendt billederne, og har fået Ken Lindeblad fra Faxe dyrehospital til at give en 2. vurdering af dem, han udtaler sig: "På disse billeder forefindes hverken albuedysplasi, OCD eller nogen form for slidgigt, disse billeder fås ikke meget bedre af en 8 årig hund!" Så vi kunne ikke være mere glade!!

Skrevet af Easys opdrætter:

My name is Ann and I’m the breeder of Easy. 
Easy is a wonderful dog and has bred some absolutely beautiful litters with great working ability. He himself has done really well in agility and obedience as well as showing a strong interest in sheep. He’s never had any top results like you, because he was hurt as a pup (kicked like a football by a jogger although he just sat next to his owner – tolerance here is rather limited at times). Since then he’s had a weakness which was sorted out (we thought) with the help of a therapist vet. So he’s been able to compete and train for years but he’s been pulled out of agility and sheep work and took up obedience at a late age which he adapted too really quickly.

 He’s a dog you can do anything with and I can recommend him. Problem is that he was never tested for shoulders and elbows. In Holland you still can’t even have an official shoulder dysplasia test done. (Easy har fået lavet disse test nu, som beskrevet ovenfor)

I myself am always looking for a male dog with the tests but after Easy produced a number of good pups I finally used him for one of my girls anyway. As I was very happy with the results (character) of the pups I’ve since used him again and have now kept a pup from the last litter. Easy has produced a number of good litters. Not a lot of the pups have been tested (as far as I know) as people don’t tend to spend the money on this unless they’re going to breed with the dogs. I’ve never heard of any pups having a problem with dysplasia or other illnesses but this information can be supplied by Viviane in more detail. (Viviane  har bekræftet at ingen af hvalpene har været syge af nogen art)
The pups he’s produced are friendly and happy dogs with a will to work but still cute and cuddly. A perfect BC in my opinion and you can really enter any discipline with them including sheep if it’s done from the beginning. If they get enough exercise they are also easy to live with in the home and not balls of nerves as I’ve heard tell about some of the pure sheeplines.

So there’s some information about the positive news. There’s one negative point to Easy and that’s that he’s a white carrier. As you can see from the pups he’s produced they are all nice looking and not overly white. Even my first litter with my blue merle bitch where the pups had a bit too much white at birth (according to my taste) have turned out to be very beautiful. As I loved their characters I even risked a second litter (merle with white factor can easily produce too much white) and the second litter was really perfect and certainly not showing too much white. So I believe in Easy and would not hesitate to mate him with your bitch.

I can say this honestly as an outsider as I have no claim on any money coming in from Easy’s litter but as his breeder I would like to see him continuing breeding the sort of litters he’s done in the past. Also important to me as I hope to use him at least one more time for one of my girls. With the right bitch I believe in him entirely!