Devons Dark Kvickly Quick   aka.  Quickly


Nice Of You To Come Bye Double Dice   aka.  Dice

- hard to find the right one??

We were looking for a new agility bc for Dennis .... This was difficult, as it would be compared to Number, our little wonder child ... We could not find other super interesting bitches so we persuaded Helle to Had to take a litter more on Quickly, our favorite girl, and Number's mother ... And then the hunt went on to the perfect male dog ... Which turned out to be very hard ... There was some bump on the road, among another unexpected bad hip, Quickly's early heat, and some others who just did not give us that "yes" feeling in the stomach ....

We were talking with others, and they recommended to a dog! A black white male ... A male who had made 1 litter in Denmark earlier this year, but we had not enjoyed meeting the puppies yet. A male as we looked through a lot of picture of and they were very appealing.... Then we saw a lot of videos, that made him even more appealing.!

BUT, as we make this litter a lot for our own sake, it was very important to become a combi that met our wishes and it was not as such to get a top agility dog, that's something you train them to be, more or less. Of course, the "ground package" must be there, body buil, jump technique, acceleration, etc., but the features need to be learned and it is our own task, so we did not look for some agility results on the male dogs we were looking for. But more after the qualities they had as a dog in their own mind, their temper, mindset, psyche, and way to be a dog at home, our dogs are family dogs as number one, and agility is a bonus, our dogs are not trained every day, so it should be a dog that can also rest in it self and do not stress at home over lack of activity ...

We were fortunate enough that this male, whom we really hoped for, came to Denmark and competed in Dania Cup 2017, not enough we could see and met him, we could see him in a competition situation, camping with other dogs, in stress, at prices ceremonis, etc and see him a few times over a week ... and THANK GOD, he was just as we dreamed of, how lucky could we be and the more we met and saw him through the week, the more we fell for him! Now it was no longer only that we were looking forward to having a puppy after Quickly, now we were really looking forward to having a puppy after Quickly AND DICE!
We are so happy that Debby and Walter, who own Dice, also fell for Quickly and allowed us to use him !!

It's a great pleasure to have found a super male, but even more amazing that his owners are so passionate about the litter and future puppies! We are looking forward to having puppies with you Debby and Walter.

We met Dice the first day we arrived at Dania. They came down to us, walking around a corner where 4-5 sheltier rushed out in the fence very angry, where both Walter and Debby got a shock, but Dice was cool, just walking on, and does not even take a look at them. He draws to come over to us and wants to be cuddle! Quickly also said just a short hello to him, but was not impressed when she just started her heat :( Much earlier than we had expected, and from our calculations of history with previous matings also just a few days to late, so we could use Dice when he was in DK, but equally, he was definitely worth a trip to Belgium!

Throughout the week we tried to meet Dice in all sorts of situations before a run, after a run, walking around etc and every time we met him, he was a happy and welcoming dog, and in a very positive stress level appropriate to the given situations. Of course, it also helps when Dice have some owners who always treat Dice as a world champion after his runs, despite mistakes or disq ..

As mentioned before, we have not focused on results on some of the male we are looking at, we are looking for the potential of the dog, and we could clearly see the huge potential Dice has, which was also expressed the day he won A jump class 3 on the Dania cup, out of 142 dogs from many different countries, among which were several dogs of the national team!

When we see Dice, we see an incredibly well-balanced dog, that does not get overstressed, operates controlled and is controllable at an incredibly high pace, but where the head is involved, and misunderstandings on the agility course occur once in a while, as information is to be processed in very high pace. Dice is very fluid in his movements, very easy in collection and extension, without having to be much over him. However, he is also a dog with much power and all power must be controlled in some level. He is generally very easy in his movements and has an incredibly nice jumping technique and exudes beautifully between the obstacles and has a superb acceleration after turns. When he comes out, he breathes but the stress level is lowered, and he will cuddle, and is just really a happy dog. He has great faith in all people and we have been able to walk with him in between other dogs beside the agility rings and he has been balanced and sweet and just followed us. He has not stressed over the other dogs on the courses, And have been able to stay controlled and calm in the starting areas.! He is a gentleman, not pushy, and understands when the femle says no, and he does not care about other males at all!

What's not to LOVE !!