Skønne fantastiske Split, har fået nyt kælenavn; KONG Split!

Split er vores lille hjertebarn, og han betyder alverden for os! Hans liv var meget kaotisk de første par uger, og vi hjalp ham med mad hver anden time de første 3 uger, og efterfølgende begyndte han at spise selv, og vi kunne drosle ned på erstatningen... Pga. hans split næse var vi i tvivl om han ville klare den, men heldigvis går alt overalt forventning......
Der var kun en familie som ville blive tilbudt ham, og de sagde heldigvis ja, og han får et fantastisk liv hos Jette og Dennis på Falster.. Vi er meget glade for at kunne følge ham så tæt, og kommer til at være en stor del af hans liv!!

We have got some questions about why we at first said that Split should stay with us, and then after sold him.... so here it come  we new from the beginning there only were two places he could stay... At Jettes place or with us!! And because there wasn't any vet there could tell us how his future would be after only 1 day, we decide to keep the decision about second home to our self, how would you feel if you got the news "you can get this little speciel boy" and then get all exited, and then he would die after only one week....... and then we got many ideas about what he would have of other diseases, then we was very afraid (and will maybe always be a bit) of what to expect... so we decided that we would wait until he was old enough for the vet to hear heartbeat and so on, and could give us there meaning of his future, and the most important, until he was old enough for us to see his strength and fysical condition compared to his siblings... before there we would tell Jette about our suggestion... it has been so hard to lie to Jette, because I knew how much she wished for at puppy in such a long time.... and when I got the "green light" from the vet i was so excited to tell her, but always afraid of her reaction, because when we don't know any about his future, then it is a big decision to make... and if she would (understandable) said no, he would stay with us... so even though somebody are saying we were "laying"., we actually didn't, because he will always be half my dog  but happily Jette was so happy and said yes between all the tears  so he will live with her 
I have my respect for others who maybe would have done it another way than we did, and therefore I ask for your respect about our decision.. This has been a dream litter, but there have also been so many mixed feelings in it all!! But so happy that I now have the most perfect 5 puppies, and will enjoy them as much I can the last two weeks...

Se billeder af ham her:
2 dage gamle (pga af en hård fødsel er disse de første portræt billeder vi har)
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2 uge gammel
3 uge gammel
4 uge gammel
5 uge gammel
7 uger gammel
8 uger gammel

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